Girl Scouts
Trefoil Membership Pin
Trefoil Membership Pin
$3.50 USD
$3.50 USD
可提供 Basics Clothing Store (11903 Valley View Street, Garden Grove, CA, 92845) 的取貨服務
通常會在 5 天以上準備就緒
Product Details
Worn by Girl Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, Ambassadors, and Girl Scout Adults, this pin signifies fulfillment of membership requirements. It is worn on the Insignia Tab on the left side of the uniform, centered above the heart. A Girl Scout can choose from among current membership pins.
The Official Girl Scout Trefoil Membership Pin is round with a goldtone finish, a solid green trefoil at the center, and “Girl Scouts” across the top. 7/8” round pin. Brass-plated iron with gold-tone finish. Sandblasted metal with epoxy fill. Safety catch closure. Imported.
The Official Girl Scout Trefoil Membership Pin is round with a goldtone finish, a solid green trefoil at the center, and “Girl Scouts” across the top. 7/8” round pin. Brass-plated iron with gold-tone finish. Sandblasted metal with epoxy fill. Safety catch closure. Imported.